Grow Your Business
Get More Quality Customers & Clients With Google Local Services Ads

What Are Local Services Ads?
Local Services ads help you connect with people who search on Google for the services you offer. Your ads will show up for customers in your services area, and you only pay if a customer calls you directly through the ad.


Home Service Providers

Funeral & Cremation
How Google Local Services Work
Let us know where you're located and what services you offer. That way, we'll show your ads to the right local customers.
Verify your business by letting Google run a license and insurance check, and earn a Google badge of trust to put on your ad.
Choose a budget based on the number of new leads you want every week, and pause your ads when you’re booked up or away.
Google Guarantee
If you're a home service business like a locksmith or painter, you'll want a Google Guaranteed badge that tells customers Google has verified your business and backs your services. If you're a professional like a lawyer or funeral home director, you'll want a Google Screened badge that tells clients Google has verified your background and backs your expertise.

What's The Cost?
Cost per lead is based on the location you’re advertising in, and caps at your weekly budget
Once you set a weekly budget for your Google Screened Ads, that price will never be exceeded
You only pay for valid leads, meaning inquiries directly related to our business and calls lasting longer than 2 minutes
Lastly, you are able to dispute any invalid leads that google marked as valid

Google Screened
Google does the heavy lifting for consumers by confirming a business meets the requirements and possess the proper licensing for their respective industry. Much like social media verification, the business receives a check mark on their profile that’s easily identifiable to viewers. The Google Screened badge solidifies the trust Google has in your business, thus ensuring that the consumer can put their trust in you as well.