By Robert J. Hoglund President and Founder of Hoglund Advertising & Analytics General Partner and Owner of Hoglund, Chwialkowski & Mrozik, P.L.L.C.
Getting started using digital advertising is a piece of cake. The real question is, how do you get digital ads to work? How do you make more money from your ads than they cost you – and how can they become a driving force behind your firm’s growth? A few key insights can mean the difference between ads that create expenses and ads that create leads. Art Armani is our Director of Advertising and Analytics at Hoglund Advertising & Analytics. When asked a series of questions about how law firms can get results from digital advertising, here is how he responded.
1. For a law firm, what are the advantages of digital advertising?
2. What are some common mistakes you see lawyers making with their digital advertising?
3. What do you wish more lawyers knew about digital advertising?
4. Once people run a relevant search and your ad appears, what does it take to get them to contact you?
5. How would you summarize an effective campaign strategy?
6. What other advice do you have, for a successful digital ad campaign?